Thursday, 3 July 2014

The weather hasn't been too cooperative recently. I blame myself. It's the ancient "astronomer's curse". When an astronomer acquires a significant new piece of equipment, it is guaranteed that the gods will send inclement weather, clouds, and haze for weeks afterward. Having bout a new mount for my telescopes, I should have seen it coming. Hah!

Anyway, I'll post more images from the past week, while it is raining yet again outside.

The wild black-eyed susans are starting to bloom, a sure sign that we're into real summer.

I found this smallish plant, that kind of looks like it is in the mint family - for now, its unidentified.

A few damselfly images: the first one is a new one, to be identified.

A new species of dragonfly has arrived, this one down near the wetland. I think it's a meadow hawk, but I haven't been able to identify the species. Possibly a ruby meadow hawk, though it is distinctly orange. It may also be a white faced meadowhawk. There are a great many species of dragonfly, and variability in colour, making it hard for an rank amateur like me to make an ID. They're still remarkably pretty, eh?

An unidentified katydid, possibly a Roesel's katydid.

 A classic fuzzy caterpillar, just hanging around ... probably a yellow bear.

And some drama - a dead fly, being devoured by a ????

(Sorry for the fuzzy image. I got a quick grab shot before the whole scene was knocked over by a mystery canid who shall remain nameless. Oh well ..)

Nearby, viewing the scene with horror (he he) or just watching me, was this fellow. My, what big feet you have! My, what big eyes you have!

Of course, there are many hunters out there. One dewy morning, as I was crossing the lawn, I saw a number of these very low webs ready to trap the unsuspecting. I managed to escape, though, lol.

And not only do insects struggle, but plants have their conflicts too.

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