Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Its getting much warmer now, with temperatures in the mid 20s. Summer at last!

The maples are fully leafed out, and the ashes are starting to do the same. t is almost impossible to spot and track singing birds in the high canopy. At this point, all I can do in the maple bush is sound recording.

This morning's walk did result in some interesting encounters, though.

The wild chokecherries are in bloom, with a strong sweet scent that attracts hordes of insects. The bumblebees caught my attention, because I loooove bumblebees! Fortunately, they seem to be doing well around here.

In the midst of shooting, some fly photobombed the bee!

The flowers attract all manner of bees, flies, butterflies and moths. This poor bedraggled fellow was enjoying the nectar feast.

Kara pointed out something on the trail at the edge of the meadow near the wetland. I went over to investigate, and she was nose to nose with this young garter snake. They were busy sniffing each other!

The hay field was alive with small blue butterflies (I think they are northern spring azures). They are busy little fellows flitting about. It was also rather breezy. I tried an experiment in shooting at a high shutter speed, and high speed motor drive, while manually focusing through the scene, in hopes of a rare sharp image. Here's the best one so far. Remember, these little guys are less than a half inch long!

 I tried the same with dragonflies in the field. Not as much luck, but a good enough image for me to check out my field guide to ID the fellow. I'll report back once I have him identified.

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