Wednesday, 21 May 2014

The weather continues to warm up, and we've had more sunshine in the last few days.

Finally, the black flies and mosquitos have arrived, making evening shoots in the woods a bit unpleasant - I'm hoping that the black flies will disappear soon with the coming hot weather!

The trilliums are still blooming, but many are starting to turn purplish, or look a bit bedraggled. A few nice ones remain, though.

Here's a quick grab shot I took of a green heron that landed high up in a tree  about 50 yards away. Unfortunately, I had to shoot against the light, so the image quality isn't great. It sat there for a while, occasionally making sad little GRAAAAWK calls.

I found the nest of a northern flicker, and spent some time shooting stills and video. I watched a flicker go into the nest, and then cautiously peer out at me for some time afterward. It was both comical and cute, I think. I hope to spend some time watching the nest to see if there are chicks this year.

Here's a brief video I shot at the nest. The "action" is in the second half. I hope you enjoy the sounds of our wetland!

Here's an unidentified bird from this morning. It was, again, a quick grab shot, since he was quite busy hopping around. The image is a bit out of focus, and he's looking the wrong way, but there is enough detail for an ID, which I'll post as soon as I find it.

Update: I'm pretty sure it's a chestnut sided warbler.

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