Friday, 30 May 2014

Serendipity. Taking nature photos, you need it.

Here's another shot of the predominant species of dragonfly right now. Species TBD.

I noticed one of these dragonflies on an interesting plant, and took a few images. Only when processing them later, did I realize the drama of the scene! Right opposite the dragonfly, a small spider seems to feel threatened, and has taken a defensive stance!

Here is yet another couple of images of the Azure Blue, this time perched on a wild strawberry flower.  This might give a better sense of how small these beauties really are.

Occasionally, I like to have fun with a scene. Here is an image of some grasses in our wetland, as reflected by the water. It's a bit disorienting,  isn't it?

Although they really don't belong here, I've included some images of alliums in my garden, about to bloom.

 Plants are now growing at a furious pace. Here is some new growth of leaves on a maple sapling.

While there is so much growth, some creatures are taking advantage of the banquet. This is a leaf that has been munched on by some insect, leaving a trail and interesting pattern. Any ideas what the insect might have been?

This morning, I spotted this fellow on the driveway near the barn, a red bellied snake. So cute!

As a footnote, we spotted a meadowlark on our back lawn this morning - what a pretty and striking looking visitor.

 I recently put up a suet feeder to attract woodpeckers, and sure enough, there was a hairy woodpecker feeding yesterday. The problem was that he was on the wrong side of the feeder, and drilling holes through the plastic backer of the suet block! The grackles seem to have figured out how to feed properly, though.

The trilliums are finished, having turned a mottled purple and looking ragged. The trout lily leaves are all yellow and slowly disappearing for another year.

Mosquito update: they're out in huge numbers right now. An evening stroll in the woods can be a bit of an ordeal.

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